You are Such a Fiddlehead

Does it make sense to have social anxiety on the internet? I have always thought of the good old interweb as the anti-social mode of communicating with other people. So for a while, real life anxiety couldn't exist in cyberspace. WELL, here we are almost cyborgs. I'm scared. Help. How do you start a blog?

Let's pretend I've been writing for years. Here's a recipe with 2 of my favorite things: gnocchi and fiddleheads.

Gnocchi is so versatile. It's the best homemade pasta you can make without an actual pasta maker. For this recipe, I used some leftover gnocchi I made last week with sweet potatoes, turnips, semolina flour and water.

You can find fiddleheads amongst the treez or amongst overpriced veggies and fruits at your local wholefoods. Luckily, this being New England, fiddleheads are local! But very very seasonal. Get them while you can. They look like little ammonites. Beautiful.

LISTEN UP KIDDIES, i ain't no gourmet chef, so my recipes aren't perfect. I excel in creative hunger and I hope I can pass on ideas for you to improve upon or just gobble up after a nice j-bone or two.


Gnocchi- however much you want

1 cup Fiddleheads, prepped for sauteeing **Whole foods sells ready to cook fiddleheads, but if they are not prepared properly, they can be poisonous. Be careful to cook these all the way through! And don't get your cats play around with them :-)**

1 tiny leek, sliced finely and chopped

A couple of wild mushrooms if you so desire, chopped

3-4 cloves garlic, minced

Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper and Red Pepper flakes to taste

2 TB white wine

1/2 Lemon's worth of juice

Saute Leeks until soft and flavor releases, add Fiddleheads.
Cook for 2 minutes on med-high heat
Add Salt, Wine, Red Pepper Flakes, Chopped Red Pepper and Garlic. Let alcohol cook off- about 1 minute
Pepper and Lemon Juice

Gnocchi Bath:

2 cups Vegetable Broth

2 TB Non-Hydrogenated Vegan Butter (Earth Balance or Willows Run)

1 TB Mochi Rice Flour

1 TSP Celery Seed

1 TSP Thyme

Bring Veggie Broth and butter to a very low simmer.
Take 1/4 cup and whisk together with Rice Flour and Celery Seed in a tiny cup
Mix back into the broth and add Thyme.
Keep warm for serving and add Salt to taste

Spoon Gnocchi into bowl, stack Fiddlehead Veggie Mixture on top. Pour broth concoction around pasta and veggies. Garnish with chopped Kalamata Olives, Freshly Cracked Pepper, and maybe some Parma! It's yummy. I like pastas in a brothy saucy bath. very sexy.

Please add suggestions!!


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