Figs, Dates & Honey

La Befana comes tonight.  I would much rather have a goddess witch than a old white man creepin'.  There is no bag full of figs, dates and honey, though I did consume two of those three today! That's about all I've consumed, as I have temporarily lost my mind and ventured into the world of juice cleansing.  Here's my plan. (Someone remind me to be an Italian Befana for Halloween next year!)

Three veggie/fruit juices a day (kale, chard, celery, cucumber, watercress, carrot, apple, beet, lemon), one smoothie (nut milk, protein powder, superfoods such as maca, hemp, goji, etc.), lots of purified water, hot tea, a kombucha and a wheatgrass shot.  Three days!

Yes, I work at a raw food restaurant.  It has slightly altered my life slash increased accessibility due to convenient employee discounts.  I will be posting more about this place, Prana.

I also resolve to continue the blog! And after this cleanse is over I will be posting some wondrous, healthy, food.  My apologies for depriving you of all the Christmas goodies I created.  Amongst these are VEGAN CANNOLIS.  This will be revisited I promise.  I wrote down a vague recipe as usual.

Hunger pains...must sleep. Plus the entirety of Vampire Diaries is on Netflix and I am hooked.




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