I Sleep While Rights are being Violated

So yet again, I sleep through an important event that I care about. Today is May Day and thousands of people are organizing against Arizona's fascist immigration reform. In Boston, the May Day Coalition and Bread and Puppet Theater rallied with life size cutouts of the historical Martyrs of Chicago. It's pretty fucking cool to see anarchists revered and appreciated for the work they have done. Say anarchist today and people chuckle, roll their eyes, and say something about idealism, youth, and naivete. I wonder if people were saying that when Engel and Parsons were fighting for the 8 hour work day! Yes, anarchists were behind that now unquestionably standard workplace practice.

Anyways, due to weeks of migraines, a midnight showing of Tremors at the Coolidge and a bed full of kitties, I missed out on the rally. This is depressing to me. I have yet to meet people in Boston that would be calling me at 9am reminding me to bring the markers and cardboard. What can I say, I am not a go-getter these days. I NEED the support of other people. Everyone needs this. Especially those whose lives can be completely ruined (even if these lives were already pretty fucked) just because some fucking pig hates brown people. The Nation has a pretty good editorial on the issue.


President Obama called the law "misguided," saying it could "undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities."

Misguided is an understatement. 388,000 human beings have been deported under Obama's watch. Best part: this surpasses Bush's 2008 record. Is it comforting or extremely unnerving that there could be a federal immigration law passed? I'm going to go with the latter seeing as I even have to ask that question. What would a feddy look like?

Immigration Control and Enforcement has replaced immigration and naturalization services. Just look at the difference in language. It's racist. Who is being controlled? People of color. And who is doing the controlling? White cops, white institutions and even the little old white man in AZ who could hypothetically sue a city for its automaton officers not interrogating someone over their ethnicity.

and from Think Progress: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/04/30/arizona-teachers/

"HB 2281 would make it illegal for a school district to have any courses or classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or advocate ethnic solidarity “instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.”

It also would ban classes that “promote resentment toward a race or class of people.”

Wait, I thought this was about securing jobs for white folks???????? (note sarcasm).

Even though I didn't make it out to the rally, I hope that immigrants in this country feel supported and safe today, although I am aware that tomorrow morning, a child will be ripped from her mother's arms by big scary white men with loaded guns and too much power.

No cooking today, don't feel like eating. Fuck Borders, seriously.


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