Illness becomes me.

Why am I constantly sick despite my efforts to give my body what it needs to not loathe me? Whatever it is, it's not the cigarettes or the lack of exercise.

This is what I needed today.

Raw Shredded beets with Lime
Steamed Escarole, Green Beans, Zucchini and Radishes
over Quinoa
with a Ginger-Tahini sauce with the aforementioned ingredients as well as Bragg's, nutritional yeast and Agave

Steaming is the best method of cooking vegetables for retaining optimal vitamins and nutrients. My bamboo steamer has saved my life. I used to steam things in water because I lacked the proper apparatus, but all the good stuff gets lost in the water and I never think to drink that down when I'm about to eat a meal. If you don't have a bamboo steamer, you won't even realize how heated you are until you acquire.

Before I move out of my apartment, there will be pierogies posted on this sparse and secretive blog.


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