Can I order the Ganoky please?? The Ganachee please??

Homemade Gnocchi, the best. 

Nothing feels better than seeing your entire kitchen full to the brim with little pockets of future fluffiness.  Except maybe watching them tumble around the boiling waves of salty water! And then maybe admiring these plump potato dumplings in a bowl smothered in all day "Sunday gravy."

OKAY the best might be eating them! But I'm torn between the process and the product.  Had a couple of friends plugging away at mashing and forming, reminding me about the glasses of wine I never get to drink because I am way too distracted.  Pure fun! At least I think so.

This is a vague and inaccurate recipe that turned out a decent collection of gnocchi. 

Pasta flour- this is super important. First time experimenting with this softer flour and let me tell you, it makes verses of a difference. I used probably 3 cups??

Potatoes, yellow ones. 2 lbs. Baked! Must be baked, for about an hour.  Then peeled and mashed with...

Olive oil, a rich and luxurious one.  Maybe 3 Tb?

Add the flour to the potatoes in small batches until combined and then knead until you get a dough that is firm but workable.  Shouldn't be sticky or gooey, more like smooth and cartilegey. ??  This is something that I am still learning and I am sure takes lots of practice.  But you kind of just have to know when it's right. 

Let it sit in a bowl covered in a damp towel for a while, I suppose about 20 minutes.  Then roll out pieces of dough into 1 1/2 inch logs.  Use a pizza cutter to cut the logs up into little rectangles.  Spread out on floured wax paper and then the forming begins!

Take a fork, a nice lookin fork and hold the little guy against your thumb, pressing on the back of it with the fork to make nice little outlines in a thumb-like curve.  The bigger ones kind of turned into cavatelli when I did this, but whatever!

Bring a huge pot of salted water to a boil and cook in batches.  When they float up to the top, done done done!! I toss the cooked gnocchi with some olive oil to keep them from getting sticky. 

Total success.  The right flour totally kills it.  Good gnocchi gives a girl confidence, I'll tell ya that. 

This made like 7-9 servings. Try it out!



  1. Jen, I love you.

    I've been planning on making gnocchi for a while now, along with a billion other things.

    My birthday is next week, I wanna see you!

  2. i love, lurve, luff you. i wanna be in your kitchen!

  3. You're lovely! I CAN'T WAIT TO DO THIS! I will have my mom's recipe for you soon!

  4. @ mel, thanks darlin! maybe we should have a dinner together or something. that's always fun.

    @baby clown- please come here.

    @veronica- BUTTERNUT SQUASH RAVIOLIS!!!! i want em i need em.


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