Scary Seedling Update: Troubleshooting the difficulties of indoor gardening

There is mold on my calendula! When they say to remove the trays from the plasic wrap as soon as the seeds germinate, they weren't kidding! I decided to drink beer instead of taking care of the plant and I am pretty sure the moist conditions took a turn for the mold.  Oops! I dried out the soil, scooped off the infected part, and kept the plants under the light.  I don't see any as of right now but am willing to experiment with other remedies, i.e, spraying a chamomile tea solution on the seedlings. 

My cayenne pepper seedlings look way too water logged! Frack. There is a high probability that I will have to replant those seeds...but nature is resiliant, relentless even.  The non-seedlings deserve some more time and patience.  They don't deserve some cat paw evidence of crushed seed tray. 

Only about half of my red rubin basil seedlings germinated.  The percentage of productivity is lower for this type of plant anyways so I don't feel like too much of a failure.  Woo. 

My next step is unclear.  I have worries and so it begins.  Did I plant too many seeds?  Was I supposed to plant the individual seeds further away from eachother?  When should I start using the liquid-soluble fertilizer?  What does it mean when seeds germinate more quickly than expected? There are so many questions and I'm psyched to learn all the answers.  I actually feel like I'm acquiring an new interest, learning a skill.  A real life practical and important skill: growing food.  How much more foundational can you get?  I want everyone to do this! Which I suppose is kind of why I choose to blog about it! Anyways, I'll update again on the status of my little acorns.  Goodnight!


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