Best New Smoothie 2010

And the award goes to....

Raspberry Avocado!

Frozen Raspberries, or Fresh, or Fresh ones that were frozen, fill the blender up half way (If you use fresh, obviously add some ice)
1 Avocado
bunch of mint
splash of oj
soy yogurt optional


I've also tried this with blueberries which was pretty good. I used pomegranate juice instead of orange. Then with blackberries, which was just okay.  And I'd like to try this with frozen cherries but I think raspberry is far superior.  Paraskevidekatriaphobics...I'd like to meet one someday.

My favorite Friday the 13th explanation of the legend is obviously the Scandinavian version (when isn't the Scandinavian version the best?).  Frigga, which led to the word Friday, was also the Norse goddess of beauty, love and fertility.  So obviously when those Norse and Germanic dudes converted to Christianity, she was the first to have the boot.  A powerful, sexual goddess who overlooks the universe? Not in the bible, sorry! So every Friday, the goddesses would convene and reak havoc on the world! Muahaha! Right on Sister.

I don't believe that today is unlucky.  The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center just accepted me as a volunteer!  This is the life-changing opportunity I've been waiting for in this shithole but have just been too lazy to get at it.  Alas, I have changed. A newer version of my old self arises as someone who is competent, articulate, and proactive in ending sexual violence! Finally...meaning may have been found.  It gets so old just caring about one's self.  There's really no room for progress there, unless you are someone who thinks running laps around a track makes you a better person.  Hey, perhaps! Not this lady. 

I got into the Community Awareness and Prevention Services program which focuses on ways in which we can understand how aggression comes about, where and who we can work with to stop it, and what we can do to ensure the battle against sexual violence does not always just begin after a survivor becomes such.  The idea of prevention is really where I'd like to focus, instead of only dealing with the aftermath.  The program also rejects putting blame on survivors and solely teaching risk-prevention to potential victims.  Assess the root of the problem! It makes awareness of sexual assault not just a "woman thing" (even though not all victims of sexual assault are women, as we know) but a community issue!  I can really get down with that.  I will definitely be writing more about this! Psyched!

That's all for now!



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