Impending Madness and the Carrot

It's one of those weeks that makes you feel like a bag of carrots in an empty produce drawer.  Each meal, one of your comrades goes to the grater and you are left amongst the dried out old bits of onion skin and parsley leaves.  It could be least you aren't some soggy, moist romaine lettuce with no purpose but to be biodegradable. 

Really, it's entirely my fault.  In a selfish and greedy cooking frenzy, I used every veggie I could get my hands on as long as it did not involve a dull color scheme.  One day you're living the life as Demeter's best friend forever, and the next you are eating Yves pepperoni and leftovers from work.  At least I got this beauty out of the deal. 
Yeah, Macbooks make the fixins all sorts of backwards.
This one was for all of those absurd and honestly mind-boggling assholes who "don't like vegetables."  Who even are you???

Steamed Broccoli, Carrot Ribbons (with white balsamic, agave, salt, and lemon pepper), Boiled Beets, Sauteed Collard Greens (with orange and thinly sliced garlic), Shitake Mushrooms, Brown Rice with Sunflower Seeds, Nooch, and Togarashi. 

Togarashi is a Japanese spice blend with red chile powder, black and/or white sesame seeds, roasted orange peel, ground ginger, nori, hemp seed and probably another ground pepper of some sort.  I usually use it on Udon or other noodle dishes but there is absolutely no reason why one should not sprinkle this magic on everything.  It is pretty spicy so use sparingly.  This particular blend is at Christina's Spices and Specialty Foods in Cambridge.  Love this place! If I believed in a heaven, this would be it.  Saffron rice? Check! Dried beans galore? A million different sea salts, paprikas, oreganos...................? Check Check!

I just wanted to throw this picture in here too because a glowing ray of sunshine is the beet's true essence. Ugh! A decadent root....a future tattoo for sure.

Is it against blog etiquette to post more than one food item at a time? If so, I have zero manners. 

With the aforementioned bag of carrots, I decided to make the Carrot Raisin muffins from Vegan With A Vengeance.  Remember when Isa was a badass and from Brooklyn?  Those were the good ol' days.  Now it's all Low Fat cookbooks and Portland. I decided to go with dried cranberries instead of the dried grape today. 

There were days when I made muffins almost every day.  This week, I will revisit that life.  Tomorrow I put myself on the 9-5 for BARCC training.  What better way to enter an entirely new community than to come bearing muffins! I wish I still had that basket I used to carry around.  Ah yes, I can envision it now.  Walking into one of the oldest creations of second wave feminism in Boston with a basket full of muffins and perhaps a super cute apron.  Hooray for domestic fashion! One day, and this is not a promise, I will share my full collection of aprons. 

YOU ALL have a fantastic week while also keeping in mind that Mercury in retrograde will most likely fuck up your life. 





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