Working Girl, Baby Quiche

Back to work! Love that movie by the way, don't you?

I was only able to throw these baby quiches together from FatFree Vegan Kitchen.  Very cute and pretty yummy! This is the type of thing you can make and have for breakfast the entire week! Next time I might double the recipe because it didn't make a lot.  I also want to try to make bigger cupcake sized quiches in which case I would have to change the recipe a bit.  More cornstarch maybe. 

Anyways, I used chickpea flour instead of nutritional yeast and added onion, jalapeno, dill and black salt. Some halved raw radishes on top make for a pretty and snappy addition.

I like to eat these with baby toast and a baby cup of tea. ha!

All in all it was pretty easy considering the oven I am using, which I figured out is actually from the 1920's. One time, I burnt Aa eyelashes off because I didn't turn it off properly the night before.  So he went to light it the next morning and all the gas that built up inside exploded into a huge flame ball that went straight for his face. Luckily there were only some crispy eyebrows and blonde eyelashes. Oops! Toepick!




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