Holiday Desserts!!!!


You stress me out.  I have all of these obligations and disappointments and for what? I don't "celebrate" you.  Religion is obsolete in my life.  Consumerism plagues me.  Red and Green are not very flattering.  They make me feel the same way as I do about red white and blue.  What a silly human thing this holiday.  The only point I can clearly see to this humorous rendition of the celebration of life And holiday craft fairs...but mostly food.  Food at holiday craft fairs? Even better! So thanks for giving me an excuse to make things and falsely believe that it's somehow special. Actually, fuck this. In protest I will cook holiday treats all year round!

But for now, I made all this stuff for a Secret Santa gig at a work holiday party.  In case you aren't aware of this, Flatbread has amazing vegan pizza.  They don't mess around with fake cheese, just good old sauce and veggies.  Just how I like it.

Anyways, this was my holiday treat package!

We have mini eggnog cheesecake (regular size recipe from Fat Free Vegan), candy cane chocolate chip cookies (from the Vegan Cookie Connoseur) , and seven layer rainbow italian cookies (from moi!)

Everything was pretty yummy! Except, I burned the graham cracker crust on the cheesecake because I prebaked it as if it were a regular sized crust.  And the ganache on the rainbow cookies did not harden as I liked.  I should have put some confectioner's sugar in there.  I would claim success on this one though! No disasters and I did it in a matter of 7 hours. Ima go eat some cheesecake right now!

Merry blah blah blah.

<3 jp


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