Orange-Vanilla Breakfast Couscous

When I first became vegan, I ate breakfast couscous every day.  Sarah Kramer was my favorite cookbook author and I am forever grateful for her recipe.  I don't remember what was in hers, but really you can do whatever you want! Today, I decided to combine orange and creaminess, citrus and buttery goodness.

1 cup couscous
3/4 cup orange juice
1 spash of white wine
1/4 cup plus 1 Tb of french vanilla soy creamer or vanilla milk product, plus more depending on your taste
earth balance
wheat germ
apple butter, or your favorite mild jam
toasted walnuts
orange zest

Bring the orange juice, white wine, soy creamer to a boil, let simmer for 30 seconds.  Add the couscous, cover and let sit for 5 minutes.  Top each portion with a splash of cream, earth balance, 1 heaping tablespoon of apple butter, a teaspoon of wheat germ, 1 Tb of walnuts and 1/8 tsp of fresh orange zest.

This is really flavorful and tasty! It would be easy to serve for a brunch potluck or something!

I ate this with a piece of dark bread and a cucumber-dill spread.  Drank down with an extremely necessary cup of Gypsy Cold Care. ugh.

<3 jp


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