Musings Trapped in Snow

Poof! And I disappear into the void that is New Jersey.  It's like I don't exist when I enter this plane. Enjoyable? Yes! I have no problem just sitting around watching movies with my mother, splurging on ice cream right out of the container, sprinkles on the side.

I do have items to blog, but for some reason that does not seem important at this juncture.  I am pretty sure this has to do with the solemn distance between me and my kitchen.  There are also feline muses missing in these parts, due to a severe hatred of the cat-like from momma.  I do not blame her, I was of the same school of thought for most of my life...ever since that damn little monster Tiger attacked me at my grandmother's house like 18 years ago! This one holds grudges. 

Distance, cats...also vegetarians.  It's more fun to cook for veg by veg, not sure why.  When I am home, I feel really emotional about the depths of flavor on which I might be missing out.  But that's silly really, because it is not like I am getting depressed about the lack of Laotian food in my every day life, or Indian or French! But please, commiserate with me...are we missing something?  Honestly, I am speaking more about the dairy/egg absence rather than the fleshy variety.  I do NOT ever feel carniferous.  How do I deal with this? Well I think of it in terms of contextual relevancy.  This is a general problem in my sentimental well-being.  Constantly, I pine for things that I don't have access to, and complain about things that I can have whenever I want.  What a conundrum! This is my context, I must embrace and explore it in its own right.  Oh! Wait! How transformative. I feel better.

The wind is howling and I'm still full from the escarole and bean soup we ate earlier in the night.  I'll post about it later, once I have the gumption to walk outside and buy batteries for my camera. 

Missing home, Aa and craving some fun with my dutch oven.  Not to mention my shiny new manual pasta maker that I got for Christmas! I'm my grandmother's favorite...

Too bad I'll never get to use it if this snow doesn't step down and move out. 

Coming soon: Homemade Gnocchi, Struffoli, Escarole and Bean Soup

<3 jp


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