Atme Dich Frei

Breathe Free! That's the German tea I'm drinking.  I've been forgetting to breathe lately, I don't know if this will help.

But also, look at the cute fruit!

KIWI BERRIES! These are just the coolest.  Grape sized kiwis? I never knew it was possible! Boston Organics showed me the truth and that is, all I need is produce.  Delicious, fresh, interesting produce.  Now, I don't necessarily need kiwi berries, but I like to think I am utilizing the other 99.75% of edible things on the earth that most Americans don't eat.  Thanks Jonathan Safran Foer for that little tidbit.  In other words, Americans only eat .25% of all edible food on the earth.  So crazy! Give me all of it! Except the flesh and byproducts of course.  That being said, the environmentalist side of my veganism does not support eating exotic fruits and vegetables from halfway across the world, or even California. 

So I've been reading this book, Eating Animals and just when I thought I couldn't learn anything surprisingly new about our fucked up food industry and ideology he alters the picture for me.  I'm revisiting the horrors of factory farms but am also gaining all new information about aquaculture and  fish farming.  Holy shit. Next time you dive into a can of tuna fish, just picture hundreds of tiny beautiful sea horses suffocating to death as the "necessary" "bycatch" of seafood production, specifically the tuna and shrimp industry.  And that's just one species of one hundred!  There is a lot about the intelligence of sea creatures that I did not know about.  And if you are of the belief that eating animals is wrong based on the level of their intelligence, this might change your mind about fish! But we should all know that ranking species, human and nonhuman by their intelligence levels and treating them accordingly only results in discrimination, war and genocide.

But anyways, the author states that the book is not a case for vegetarianism, but so far it certainly seems that veg wins! Except of course his point about dogs, their meat, and how much perfectly acceptable food is wasted when stray dogs are euthenized and processed into food for other industrial animals. Vom. But he has a valid point. I think back to a documentary I saw about the fishing industry in Tanzania.  All of the villages that worked for the giant fishing companies, who were surrounded by perfectly good food all day every day, were not allowed to eat any of their catch and instead were made to starve and subsist mainly on dog meat...some random and some companion.  Fucked up.

So yeah! Check it out!

I'm also eating a vegan lemon-poppy-almond biscotti from Crema Cafe in Harvard Square! Love that place...they always have a few friendly options. 

Last little tidbit...I just found out about a new "upscale" vegan restaurant in Somerville, MA called True Bistro. CHECK THIS OUT!! I'm dying to go, only because it actually seems reasonably priced and the menu is very impressive.




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